Sunday, February 16, 2020

Research Parameters for BP, P, R &T Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Parameters for BP, P, R &T - Research Paper Example Discussion of the illnesses that can be identified by measurement of these body parameters will be included. Last but not least, the problems that can be experienced if assessing of these parameters is not performed will be explained in this paper. The body of a human being is made up various organs which keep the body in action and alive by making sure important parameters’ status is right. Just like a mechanical machine used to perform work, the organs have specific functions for the body. Examples of vital organs in a human body include; the brain, heart, liver, kidney and others. These organs are like machines; they need a source of energy, they need constant repair and maintenance for maximum efficiency. They also wear after sometime of continuous action and sometime malfunction. In sort organs are the machines responsible for keeping human bodies alive. This research paper will discuss the importance of checking various parameters of the body that are controlled by organs, and the problems that may affect them if the status of those parameters is unknown. It will concentrate on the blood pressure, body temperature, pulse rate and respiratory rate. Body temperature is the ability of the body to generate heat and get rid of it. It is measured using a thermometer and the units used are Celsius. The normal body temperature of a human is 37 degrees Celsius. Body temperature is measured by placing a thermometer, glass or electronic thermometer, in the rectum, mouth or armpit. The normal temperature of persons is variable depending on several factors: They include age, time of the day and the part of the body where temperature was taken from (Mackowiak, 2009). If the body temperature of a person is more than 1.5 degrees above or below the normal, this condition is known as fever. Assessing body temperatures of persons is vital since it determines whether one is suffering from a fever. This can assist the

Monday, February 3, 2020

Composite case Memo(The Final Installment) Study

Composite Memo(The Final Installment) - Case Study Example The purpose of this memorandum is to correct errors and help Composite Manufacturing Company see the benefits of having an accountant. All figures discussed are in the thousands. Composite Manufacturing Company’s net sales were adjusted from $9,750 to $7,954. The reason for this discrepancy is mainly the mislabeling of revenue. Mr. Little used volume discounts, settlements, grants, and reverse revenue recognition as sales. These items are not sales. The costs of goods sold went from $6,121 to $5,812. The reasons were to reverse the sale to Anjinu, reverse the entry of unsalvageable inventory as COGS, and to reverse the entry that recorded a sale to affiliate. Operating expenses were not changed. Other expenses were changed due to impairment loss regarding unsalvageable RM, losses on leasehold improvements that are no longer useful, switching net sales recognition to recognition of a gain, a loss in the proper period in which it was incurred. This made the amount balance negative. Liabilities and stockholders’ equity were adjusted as well. The adjustments made for Composite Manufacturing Company’s financial statement made the company’s net income of $554 to a negative balance of $592. This was due to the improper classifying of revenue. While the $1,146 does not seem like a significant amount to mislabel, to stockholders the negative balance might cause worries. The corrections give the stockholders a better idea of the position the company is in, financially speaking. If the unadjusted financial report had been given to stockholders, the Composite Manufacturing Company could be sued later on for fraud. Since the company has had a lawsuit over their product, more time might be given to the design. The idea is ingenious and green. However, all of the problems must be dealt with in order for this company to go